The Case of Serebryakova in Novokuznetsk
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The Novokuznetsk Investigation Department conducts operational search activities: audio and video recording of meetings of believers, wiretapping of telephone conversations.
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Materials against 71-year-old Lyubov Serebryakova, containing information about "committing a crime under Part 2 of Article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation", are separated from the criminal case of Sergey Sushilnikov into a separate proceeding.
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Investigator for particularly important cases of the SO in the city of Novokuznetsk of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the Kemerovo Region - Kuzbass, Captain of Justice Vladislav Minaev initiates a criminal case against Lyubov Serebryakova. According to the investigation, she "conducted conversations" of a religious nature, and also participated in religious services.
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Lyubov Serebryakova is being prosecuted as a defendant in violation of Part 2 of Article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (participation in the activities of an extremist organization). The woman is accused of attending services of Jehovah's Witnesses and telling other people about her faith.
The believer is again interrogated and a preventive measure is chosen for her in the form of a recognizance not to leave and proper behavior.
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After two months of investigation, the case is submitted to the Kuznetsk District Court of Novokuznetsk.
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The believer does not admit guilt and declares to the court: "For me, by virtue of my professed beliefs, it is unacceptable to propagate extremist ideas or incite enmity and hatred. The indictment does not contain any specific facts of my behavior."
She adds: "The argument that the exercise of the right provided for in Article 51 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is evidence of the commission of a crime contradicts the essence of the constitutional right to defense."
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Listeners are not allowed into the meeting room, 58 people are waiting outside.
Interrogation of the prosecution witness. She says that Jehovah's Witnesses have come to her several times, but this is the first time she has seen the defendant.
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Three prosecution witnesses testify to the court. None of them is personally acquainted with Lyubov Serebryakova. It turns out that they get information about Jehovah's Witnesses from the Internet and the materials of this criminal case.
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The prosecutor reads out the materials of the case on the wiretapping of Lyubov Serebryakova's telephone conversations, as well as on the linguistic examination and search.
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Prosecutor Taras Kucheryavenko finishes reading and analyzing the case materials.
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A disc with a recording of the divine service is listened to, during which Lyubov Serebryakova comments on a thought from the Bible.
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Lyubov Serebryakova asks the court to stop the criminal case against her.
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The prosecutor asks for punishment for Lyubov Serebryakova. In his opinion, the believer should be sentenced to 4 years in prison, however, taking into account her age and state of health, he asks the court for 3 years probation with a written undertaking not to leave and restrictions.
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The last word of the defendant Lyubov Serebryakova in Novokuznetsk - #