Photo: Alexey Budenchuk and Alexey Miretsky

Photo: Alexey Budenchuk and Alexey Miretsky

Photo: Alexey Budenchuk and Alexey Miretsky

Inside Penal Colonies and Detention Centers

Two more Saratov-based believers await an early release trial in exchange for a fine

Saratov Region

Saratov residents Alexey Budenchuk and Alexey Miretsky, convicted for their faith, have served more than half their sentence. The defense petitioned for their early release and replacement of the part of the sentence that had not been served with a fine. The lawyer and wives of the believers told what happened to the convicts while they are waiting for trial.

In September 2019, 44-year-old candidate of economic sciences Alexei Miretsky and 38-year-old handyman, father of two children Alexei Budenchuk, along with four other Saratov residents were convicted for reading the Bible and communicating with fellow believers. After arriving at the colony in February 2020, the believers were beaten by guards, after this they were sent to a punishment center for several days on unfounded charges. By September 2020, both believers had served more than half of their sentences: Alexey Budenchuk - 34 months out of 42 court-ordered, and Alexey Miretsky - about 14 months out of 24. In September 2020, a petition for mitigation of the believers' punishment was filed.

In the penal colony Budenchuk and Miretsky are forced to work from morning to evening in sewing production. Stress, hard work and conditions in the colony have led to an intensification of chronic diseases.

In February 2020, the prisoners' spouses managed to get a short visit from their husbands. According to Yulia Miretskaya, after the beating her husband's health deteriorated and the question of surgical intervention arose, but it was postponed for now. "On the whole, she feels better and smiles. Life is slowly getting better," says Yulia.

According to Tatyana Budenchuk, Alexey assured her that he would cope with everything and asked not to worry too much for him. "But I am worried anyway," Tatyana said.

Shortly before Aleksey was sent to the colony, the Budenchuk family's house was completely burned down, Tatyana and the children miraculously survived, having managed to take only documents with them. Friends and fellow believers helped to build new modest housing for the family. In addition, Tatiana and the children had been ill with COVID-19.

"Miretsky and Budenchuk take part in various sports and cultural events in the colony, including table tennis and soccer tournaments. The actions for which the believers were convicted have nothing to do with the use of violence against anyone, which is confirmed by the verdict. Thus, there are all grounds for early release by replacing the part of the sentence that has not been served with a fine," says the petition submitted to the court.

The Central District Court of Orenburg should consider the issue of mitigation of Miretsky and Budenchuk's sentence. The trial was scheduled for November 6, 2020, but it was postponed.

In March 2020, the European Union and several countries sharply condemned religious persecution in Russia and the mistreatment of Jehovah's Witnesses from Saratov.

Case of Bazhenov and Others in Saratov

Case History
In September 2019, Judge Dmitry Larin immediately sent 6 Saratov residents to prison for a term of 2 to 3.5 years just for reading the Bible, singing songs and praying. Since 2017, security forces have been conducting covert surveillance of believers. In the summer of 2018, their homes were searched with banned literature planted. While the investigation was underway, they had to go to a pre-trial detention center, under house arrest and under recognizance not to leave. A year later, despite the absence of victims in the case, the believers were found guilty. Upon arrival at the Orenburg colony, 5 out of 6 convicted believers were beaten by the staff of the institution. Mahammadiev was hospitalized, and the rest were placed in a punishment cell for a while. Saratov prisoners of conscience have mastered various professions in prison. In May 2020, Mahammadiev and Bazhenov were stripped of their Russian citizenship and, after their release, deported from Russia. All 6 believers have already served their sentences. In September 2022, the cassation court dismissed the complaint, and the verdict and the appellate ruling were unchanged.

Persons in case

Criminal case

Saratov Region
Suspected of:
according to the investigation, together with others he conducted religious services, which is interpreted as “organising the activity of an extremist organisation” (with reference to the decision of the Russian Supreme Court on the liquidation of all 396 registered organisations of Jehovah’s Witnesses)
Court case number:
June 9, 2018
Current case stage:
the verdict entered into force
Investigative Department of the Directorate of the FSB of Russia for the Saratov Region
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation:
282.2 (1)
Court case number:
Case History