In the photo: Alexander Shcherbina

In the photo: Alexander Shcherbina

In the photo: Alexander Shcherbina

Unjust Verdicts

Аppeal in Krasnodar Mitigated the Sentence for Faith to Aleksandr Shcherbina, but He Will Still Go to Jail for 2 Years

Krasnodar Territory

On June 24, 2021, the judge of the Krasnodar Regional Court, Vadim Kuksa, did not satisfy the appeal of Aleksandr Shcherbina, but softened the sentence: the believer will spend not 3, but 2 years in a general regime colony. Aleksandr insists on his innocence and has the right to appeal the verdict on appeal.

On April 29, 2020, a search was carried out in Aleksandr's house, after which he was interrogated as a witness in the Ivshin case. And in November of the same year, O. I. Komissarov, an investigator of the FSB Directorate for the Krasnodar Territory, opened a criminal case against Shcherbina himself, accusing him of extremism for meeting with fellow believers and discussing the Bible. On December 2, 2020, a preventive measure was chosen for the believer in the form of a recognizance not to leave, and on April 6, 2021, the judge of the Abinsk District Court of the Krasnodar Territory, Sergey Mikhin, sentenced him to 3 years in a general regime colony. Immediately after the announcement of the verdict, Aleksandr was taken into custody and later sent to colony No. 9 in the city of Khadyzhensk.

Aleksandr Shcherbina was actually accused of using the right guaranteed to every citizen of the Russian Federation — Article 28 of the Constitution. All his activities were exclusively religious in nature, but the court equated Aleksandr with dangerous criminals — extremists.

A few months earlier, 2 more civilians of the village of Kholmskaya were sentenced for "extremism": 63-year-old Aleksandr Ivshin — for 7.5 years, and 47-year-old Oleg Danilov — for 3 years in prison. In total, 16 believers are being prosecuted in the region.

Russian and foreign leaders and organizations unanimously condemn the persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia. Among them is Heiner Bielefeldt, professor at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. In his interview, he said the following: “If we talk about legislation on extremism, everyone agrees that it is important to fight extremist tendencies, but the concept of 'extremism' remains completely blurred, which creates a kind of access for the authorities, a loophole, an excuse to do what they do. want. And Jehovah's Witnesses are the perfect scapegoat. "

Case of Shcherbina in Kholmskaya

Case History
In the spring of 2020, Aleksandr Shcherbina was subjected to a search and was summoned for interrogation as a witness in a criminal case against his fellow believer Aleksandr Ivshin. Six months later, FSB investigator Komissarov initiated a criminal case for “participation in the activity of an extremist organization” against Shcherbina himself. Law enforcement officers secretly videotaped Bible discussions and considered such conversations to be a continuation of the activity of a banned organization. In December, Aleksandr’s house was searched again. In April 2021, the Abinsk District Court sentenced the believer to 3 years in a penal colony. In June 2021, a court of appeal reduced the sentence to 2 years imprisonment. The believer filed a cassation appeal against the verdict, but the court left it unsatisfied. On February 22, 2023, Shcherbina was released after serving his main sentence.

Persons in case

Criminal case

Krasnodar Territory
Court case number:
November 12, 2020
Current case stage:
the verdict entered into force
FSB Directorate for the Krasnodar Territory
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation:
282.2 (2)
Court case number:
Абинский районный суд Краснодарского края
Сергей Михин
Case History