Denis Merkulov with his wife Natalia on the day of sentencing

Denis Merkulov with his wife Natalia on the day of sentencing

Denis Merkulov with his wife Natalia on the day of sentencing

Unjust Verdicts

In the City of Apatity, the Court Fined One of Jehovah's Witnesses 500,000 Rubles. Denis Merkulov Was Convicted for Discussing the Bible

Murmansk Region

On March 23, 2023, Judge Olga Karulina of the Apatity City Court of the Murmansk Region  sentenced Denis Merkulov to a fine of 500,000 rubles. The court's decision was based on the  belief that friendly meetings in person and via video conference were the activities of a “prohibited extremist group."

The decision has not entered into force and can be appealed. The case against Merkulov is based on the testimony of a man who in the past discussed the Bible with the believer and later wrote a denunciation about him to the FSB. Denis stated: "I do not see anything objectionable about peaceful and confidential conversations, particularly with citizen T., who himself invited me to have these conversations."

In July 2021, security forces broke into Denis Merkulov's home, knocking out a window and a door with sledgehammers. The search of the apartment, garage, and car lasted about eight hours. The believer was taken to the Investigative Committee for interrogation. He was informed that a criminal case had been initiated against him, and he was detained. The court placed Merkulov under house arrest; as a result, he lost his main source of income. After two months, Denis's preventive measure was replaced with a prohibition of certain actions. During this time, Merkulov wore a tracking device. “Bracelets are usually put on those who are under investigation for serious criminal charges. Emotionally, it is very difficult," said Merkulov. He  added: "My wife and fellow believers helped me to cope with negative feelings. Friends called us, encouraged us, and assured us of their love. This was a tremendous source of support."

The case has been considered in court since August 2022. During one of the interrogations, an FSB officer stated that he considers any religious actions by Jehovah's Witnesses to be extremist, even though the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation stated the opposite. “I am convinced, Your Honor, that I am not being tried for a real crime, but solely for my peaceful religion, my faith in God, which is based on the Bible,” Denis Merkulov said in his final statement. “It is thanks to the Bible that my life has changed for the better. Therefore, I [study] it to this day and gladly share what I learn with people who are interested.”

In the Murmansk region, seven of Jehovah's Witnesses were persecuted for their beliefs; three of them were sentenced to heavy fines. The ruling of the ECHR dated June 7, 2022, which fully justified Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia, declares: “States do not have the right under the Convention to decide what beliefs may or may not be taught.” (§ 165)

Merkulov's case in Apatity

Case History
Broken front door, broken window and armed security forces — that was part of the search in the apartment of Denis Merkulov and his wife in July 2021. The Investigative Committee accused the believer from Apatity of organizing the activity of an extremist organization for “singing songs … and praying to Jehovah God” and “organized practice of faith.” Merkulov was detained after interrogation. After 24 hours in a temporary detention facility, he was placed under house arrest for two months, and then the preventive measure was changed to a ban on certain actions. In August 2022, the criminal case went to court. The charge was based on the testimony of a man who invited Denis to talk about Bible teachings. In March 2023, the court sentenced the believer to a fine of 500,000 rubles. The prosecutor insisted on an appeal, which upheld the guilty verdict, but reduced the fine to 400,000 rubles.

Persons in case

Criminal case

Murmansk Region
Suspected of:
"organized religious speeches and worship services via conference calls", "study of religious literature and bring its texts to the participants of meetings" (from the indictment).
Court case number:
July 19, 2021
Current case stage:
the verdict entered into force
Investigative Directorate for the city of Apatity of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Murmansk Region
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation:
282.2 (1)
Court case number:
1-1/2023 (1-190/2022)
Апатитский городской суд Мурманской области
Ольга Карулина
Case History