The Balabkins. September 2023

The Balabkins. September 2023

The Balabkins. September 2023

Unjust Verdicts

Believer, 71, Sentenced to 4 Years in a Penal Colony. Court in Belogorsk Found Vladimir Balabkin Guilty of Extremism for Conducting Meetings for Worship

Amur Region

Vladimir Balabkin, a pensioner who has cancer, received 4 years in a penal colony for his faith in Jehovah God. This decision was made by the Belogorsk District Court on September 13, 2023. He was arrested in the courtroom. He maintains his innocence and can appeal the verdict of Judge Natalya Kramar.

In the spring of 2021, law enforcement officers raided homes of Jehovah's Witnesses in Belogorsk, including that of Vladimir Balabkin. The criminal case against him was initiated by FSB investigator V. Obukhov, who is behind most of the similar cases against believers in the region. The elderly Balabkins had to travel 140 km from their home to Blagoveshchensk for interrogation; this was not easy for them due to the exacerbation of Vladimir's serious illness and the consequences of his wife Tatiana’s heart surgery.

Vladimir Balabkin in the courtroom. September, 2023.
Vladimir Balabkin in the courtroom. September, 2023.
During the announcement of the verdict, Vladimir Balabkin is handcuffed. September, 2023
During the announcement of the verdict, Vladimir Balabkin is handcuffed. September, 2023
Convicted Vladimir Balabkin is escorted out of the courthouse before being sent to a pretrial detention center. September, 2023
Convicted Vladimir Balabkin is escorted out of the courthouse before being sent to a pretrial detention center. September, 2023

The law enforcement agencies considered it a crime to hold religious meetings, equating it to organizing the activity of an extremist organization. In court, one of the witnesses, an FSB officer, stated that he considered the believer guilty because he "provided devices to connect to meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses," "connected others to meetings" and "showed how to use programs." At the same time, the expert study concludes that there are no signs of extremism in Balabkin's actions. Despite this, the prosecutor insisted on a guilty verdict and requested 6.5 years in a penal colony for the believer.

"You can disagree with the faith and teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses, but as the Russian President said, it is wrong to put them on a par with extremists" emphasized Balabkin in his final statement. "After all, my faith and my beliefs are based on the Word of God, the Bible. It teaches the exact opposite: love people and be kind to everyone."

In October 2021, the Plenum of the RF Supreme Court ruled that it is necessary "to avoid cases of groundless criminal prosecution of persons solely on the visible expression of their attitude to religion." Nevertheless, in the Amur Region, 13 Jehovah's Witnesses received from 6 to 8 years in a penal colony for their faith and 2 received suspended sentences.

The Case of Balabkin in Belogorsk

Case History
In March 2021, an investigator of the FSB Directorate for the Amur Region initiated a criminal case against Vladimir Balabkin, a pensioner suffering from cancer. Two days later, searches were carried out at six addresses in Belogorsk. In April 2021, Vladimir was added to the Rosfinmonitoring list, which has made it very difficult for him to receive his pension. The investigation charged the peaceful believer with organizing the activity of an extremist organization for discussing the Bible with friends and acquaintances. The case went to court in April 2023. The charge was based on the testimony of a man who, on the instructions of the FSB, conducted covert video filming of believers at meetings for worship. In the fall of the same year, the court sentenced Balabkin to 4 years in a penal colony; he was taken into custody in the courtroom. However, on December 19, the court of appeal reclassified Balabkin’s actions from Part 1 to Part 2 of Article 282.2 and reduced the punishment to a 1-year suspended sentence. He was released in the courtroom.

Persons in case

Criminal case

Amur Region
Suspected of:
"he organized meetings of followers of religious organizations" (from the ruling to initiate a criminal case)
Court case number:
March 2, 2021
Current case stage:
the verdict entered into force
Investigative Department of the FSB Directorate of Russia for the Amur Region
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation:
282.2 (2)
Court case number:
Court of First Instance:
Belogorsk City Court of the Amur Region
Judge of the Court of First Instance:
Natalya Kramar
Case History
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