Yuriy Chernykh in the courtroom on the day of the verdict. Prokopyevsk, Kemerovo Region, September 2023

Yuriy Chernykh in the courtroom on the day of the verdict. Prokopyevsk, Kemerovo Region, September 2023

Yuriy Chernykh in the courtroom on the day of the verdict. Prokopyevsk, Kemerovo Region, September 2023

Unjust Verdicts

Three Years of Forced Labor for Reading the Bible. Yuriy Chernykh, Father of a Minor, Was Found Guilty of Extremism

Kemerovo Region

On September 28, 2023, the Tsentralniy District Court of the City of Prokopyevsk found Yuriy Chernykh guilty of participating in the activity of an extremist organization. Judge Alena Novoselova sentenced him to 3 years of forced labor with 15% of his salary going to the government.

The case was initiated on November 5, 2021. Previously, Yuriy was a witness in the case of Andrey Vlasov. In July 2020, the Chernykhs' home was searched, after which he and his wife were interrogated by the FSB. When the Chernykhs' home was searched again in November 2021,their electronic media drivers, a TV, as well as cards and personal notes, were seized. The believer was under an obligation to report and after five months he was placed under a recognizance agreement. In June 2022, the case went to court. Chernykh expressed his opinion about the charge as follows: "I want to state that I maintain my innocence and I believe that the charge against me is unlawful. I am not a criminal!” The prosecutor requested 2.5 years of forced labor for the believer with 15% of his salary going to the government.

Yuriy, a former miner with 20 years of experience, now works as a track fitter in the transport industry. He and his wife are happily married and have three sons, the youngest is still at school. Yuriy and Yelena love their grandchildren very much.

In the Kemerovo Region, 19 people have already been prosecuted for their faith. Five of them have received terms of punishment in a penal colony.

The Case of Chernykh in Prokopyevsk

Case History
In November 2021, the Investigative Committee made Yuriy Chernykh a defendant in a case for participating in the activity of an extremist organization. Previously, the believer was interrogated as a witness in the case against Andrey Vlasov, another Jehovah’s Witness from Prokopyevsk. The home of the Chernykhs was searched twice; the father of a minor, he was obliged to appear, and later was made to sign a recognizance agreement. In June 2022, the case went to court. And in September 2023, the court found Yuriy Chernykh guilty and sentenced him to 3 years of forced labor with 15% of his salary going to the government and a 2.5-year ban on public activity. In November 2023, the court of appeal upheld the verdict against the believer.

Persons in case

Criminal case

Kemerovo Region
Suspected of:
"unidentified persons, acting intentionally, by a group of persons ... participated in the meeting of the local organization of Jehovah's Witnesses "Prokopyevsk" and "carried out agitation speeches in front of the audience" (from the decision to initiate a criminal case)
Court case number:
November 5, 2021
Current case stage:
the verdict entered into force
Investigative Department for the City of Prokopyevsk of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Kemerovo Region - Kuzbass
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation:
282.2 (2)
Court case number:
1-22/2023 (1-209/2022)
Court of First Instance:
Tsentralniy District Court of the City of Prokopyevsk of the Kemerovo Region
Judge of the Court of First Instance:
Alena Novoselova
Case History
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