Andrey Vlasov

Andrey Vlasov

Andrey Vlasov

Inside Penal Colonies and Detention Centers

Andrey Vlasov Still in Colony Despite his Progressive Serious Illness. Why?

Kemerovo Region

Andrey Vlasov, a disabled person of group II, was sentenced to 7 years in prison for his Christian beliefs. Neither his state of health, nor lengthy litigation in various instances helped him to achieve mitigation of his sentence. He is still serving his sentence in conditions that make his life almost unbearable.

In May 2022, Andrey was taken into custody and placed in a pre-trial detention center, where he seriously suffered from pneumonia. In October of the same year, he was sent to a penal colony. There, in just 7 months, his condition deteriorated markedly: arthrosis of the shoulder and knee joints of the second degree progressed to the third degree. He was later diagnosed with tuberculosis. In the spring of 2023, Vlasov was diagnosed with coronary heart disease. A medical examination conducted in April 2024 confirmed another serious disease of the musculoskeletal system: ankylosis of the hip joint.

The defense had a package of medical documents confirming his condition, including the conclusion of a neurosurgeon, according to which Vlasov suffers from another extremely serious disease — absolute spinal stenosis of the spinal canal, which, according to the specialist, requires surgical treatment. According to the surgeon, if such an operation is not performed, it can lead to complete paralysis of the limbs and ischemic stroke of the spinal cord.

At the trial on the believer's appeal against the decision of the Pervomaisk District Court of Novosibirsk of August 3, 2023, which refused to satisfy the petition for release due to illness, Vlasov spoke in detail about how his condition deteriorated during his imprisonment and about his daily difficulties. Due to the immobility of the joints and constant pain, he cannot raise his arms, wash his hair, and can hardly put on underwear.

Andrey cannot walk without a cane and crutch, as he has already fallen several times, and he cannot get up on his own. Also, he cannot carry objects from place to place, such as carrying groceries from the store and a tray of food in the dining room. Ordinary everyday activities provoke severe pain, due to which the man sometimes cannot even fall asleep.

The court of appeal did not take into account the evidence showing that the believer could not take care of himself and needed constant help and medical care. Also, the court did not pay attention to serious errors in the work of two medical commissions, which came to the conclusion that the convict did not have diseases specified in the List of diseases.

Andrey Vlasov is not the only Jehovah's Witness with a disability who is being prosecuted in modern Russia for believing in God. This and other similar cases demonstrate the indifference of the judicial system to the suffering of convicts and a gross violation of human rights.

The Case of Vlasov in Prokopevsk

Case History
In July 2020, a criminal case was initiated against Andrey Vlasov, a disabled Jehovah’s Witness from Prokopyevsk. The FSB accused him of organizing the activity of an extremist organization. Searches were carried out in Vlasov’s home, as well as at his workplace. Despite the fact that he cannot manage without assistance, he was placed in a temporary detention facility, and three days later he was placed under house arrest. In June 2021, the Vlasov case went to court. Although the believer’s health was deteriorating, the court would not let him visit the doctor and repeatedly extended the house arrest. The prosecutor asked for a sentence of 8.5 years in prison for him. In May 2022, the court sentenced Vlasov to 7 years in a penal colony. He was taken into custody in the courtroom and sent to a detention center. There he fell ill, so he was sent to the medical correctional institution No. 16 of Novokuznetsk. In October 2022, the believer was placed in correctional institution No. 3 in Novosibirsk to serve his sentence. Despite the severe condition of Andrey Vlasov, neither the court of appeal nor the court of cassation mitigated this unprecedented verdict.

Persons in case

Criminal case

Kemerovo Region
Suspected of:
"Using a technical means that allows for video conferencing ... organized a religious meeting" (from the verdict to Andrei Vlasov)
Court case number:
July 2, 2020
Current case stage:
the verdict entered into force
Branch of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the Kemerovo Region
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation:
282.2 (1)
Court case number:
1-21/2022 (1-246/2021)
Центральный районный суд г. Прокопьевска Кемеровской области
Judge of the Court of First Instance:
Павел Котыхов
Case History