On February 15, 2019, mass searches were carried out in the homes of believers in Surgut. This was followed by beatings and torture of at least 7 believers. Among others, Yevgeniy Kayryak was tortured. What is known about him?
Yevgeniy was born in 1986 in Surgut and grew up in a close-knit family with three children. After graduating from school, he received the professions of an accountant and an economist-manager. In 2011 he was retrained and since then he has been working as a technician in the laboratory of metals.
Yevgeny's family became acquainted with the teachings of the Bible in the mid-90s, and a few years later Yevgeniy decided to serve God. He knew from childhood that disciples of Jesus Christ were to love one another, and he did see that love among his family and friends.
In 2016, Evgeniy married Rosanna. She sings and dances well. Spouses love to spend time together, play board games, ride bicycles. Relatives are deeply worried about Yevgeniy because of everything that he had to go through.