Name: Kuznetsov Aleksandr Aleksandrovich
Date of Birth: October 20, 1982
Current status: who has served the main sentence
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (2)
Time spent in prison: 2 day in a temporary detention facility, 90 day in a pre-trial detention
Sentence: punishment in the form of 2 years 6 months of imprisonment, with restriction of liberty for 6 months, the punishment is considered conditional with a probationary period of 1 year


April morning 2021 was a turning point for Aleksandr Kuznetsov and his wife Mariya. Civilians in Yaroslavl were accused of extremism and sent to a pre-trial detention center, where they spent 3 months.

Aleksandr was born in October 1982 in Moscow. Childhood of Aleksandr and his younger brother passed in Yalta, where the family lived later. After the divorce of his parents, Aleksandr moved to Yaroslavl. After graduating from school, he entered the Agricultural Academy. He has worked as an English and mathematics tutor and swimming coach. Recently, he was engaged in disinfection of premises.

In 2016, Aleksandr met Mariya, who became his wife a year later. They are known as a very friendly couple who does everything together. Aleksandr loves to play chess since childhood, and Mariya shares his passion. The spouses have many friends who speak very warmly of Aleksandr: “He is cheerful and loving. A devoted friend. Grateful, generous and hospitable! "

Aleksandr takes care of his mother, regularly visiting her in Crimea. According to her, he is a very kind and calm person. Although Aleksandr’s mother does not share his religious views, what happened was a shock for her and the rest of her family.

Case History

In April 2021, the investigation initiated a criminal case under an article for extremism against Andrey Vyushin, Petr Filiznov, as well as the couple Aleksandr and Mariya Kuznetsov. They were suspected of holding meetings for worship “including through the Internet, in which [they] promoted prohibited teachings”. The law enforcement officers conducted searches in Yaroslavl and neighboring Rybinsk, after which four believers were placed in a detention center. After 3 months, the court released them under a ban on certain actions. Vyushin was fitted with a tracking bracelet on his leg, and a control device was installed in his apartment, although his preventive measure did not prohibit him from leaving his home or being in certain places. In August 2022, the case went to court. After 11 months, the believers were sentenced: Andrey Vyushin and Petr Filiznov were given 6.5 years suspended sentence and Aleksandr and Mariya Kuznetsov – 2.5 years.