Name: Redozubov Yuriy Yuriyevich
Date of Birth: February 12, 1972
Current status: convicted person
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (1)
Time spent in prison: 31 day in a pre-trial detention
Current restrictions: detention center
Sentence: Imprisonment for a period of 6 years 6 months to be served in a general regime penal colony, with restriction of liberty for a period of 1 year
Currently held in: Detention Center No.1 for Primorye Territory
Address for correspondence: Redozubov Yuriy Yuriyevich, born 1972, Detention Center No.1 for Primorye Territory, Partizansky prospekt, 28 B, Vladivostok, Primorye Territory, 690106

Letters of support can be sent by regular mail or through the «zonatelecom».

Note: discussing topics related to criminal prosecution is not allowed in letters; languages other than Russian will not pass.


When Yuriy Redozubov, a painter from the Far East, found out about the accusation of extremism, he said: "I did not think that reading and carefully studying the Bible is illegal." The unexpected intrusion into the house of the security forces with machine guns caused great stress for the whole family.

Yuriy was born in February 1972 in the Far East, in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. He lost his father when he was 16. As a child, Yuriy loved to read and was fond of drawing, which helped him develop his creative abilities. He studied at the Vladivostok Art School, and then graduated from the Far Eastern State Institute of Arts, receiving the profession of a painter.

For some time, Yuriy taught at an art school and continues to collaborate with art salons. Yuriy's other hobbies include swimming and fishing. He is also a beekeeper working in an apiary.

In 1998, Yuriy married Anastasiya. They have a lot in common—she is also a creative person, she studied to be an artist and, like Yuriy, loves fishing and outdoor recreation. Both were always interested in spiritual matters and after they met, they began to read the Bible together every day to understand it. Some time later, the couple met Jehovah's Witnesses and began a Bible study. They were particularly moved by the Bible's representation of the almighty God as good and loving.

Yuriy and Anastasiya have three daughters. They all love art, especially music and painting. From childhood, their parents instilled in them a love of nature and taught them to take care of it. The eldest daughter is already married, and the youngest has recently gone to school. The whole Redozubov family love to travel, relax in tents and observe the beauty of the surrounding world.

Anastasiya's health deteriorated due to the worries caused by the criminal prosecution. Yuriy's neighbors, as well as relatives who do not share his religious convictions, know their whole family as kind and sympathetic people and do not understand why the believer was sentenced to 6.5 years in a penal colony.

Case History

On an early July morning in 2018, in Vladivostok, masked armed law enforcement officers invaded the apartment of a 90-year-old relative of Dmitriy and Yelena Barmakin. Later, Yelena was charged with extremism and the family’s bank accounts were blocked. The reason for this was her participation in meetings for worship, which were secretly filmed by an FSB agent. In May 2020, the believer’s case went to court, and in September it was returned to the prosecutor’s office. In August 2021, the investigator merged the cases against Yelena and her fellow believers — Yuriy Redozubov, Igor Lonchakov, Lyudviga Katanaeva, Nina Astvatsaturova, Yekaterina Treguba, Yelena Tsorn and the Verigin couple. In June 2022, the case went to court, and in January 2025, the believers received the following sentences: Lonchakov — 7 years imprisonment, Redozubov — 6.5 years imprisonment; Treguba and Katanaeva — 3 years and 4 months suspended; Barmakina, Tsorn and Astvatsaturova — 3 years suspended.
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