This person is also involved in another criminal case as well:
The Case of Terebilov in Kostroma
Name: Terebilov Dmitriy Sergeyevich
Date of Birth: January 2, 1980
Current status: defendant
Articles of Criminal Code of Russian Federation: 282.2 (1.1), 282.2 (2)
Time spent in prison: 51 day in a pre-trial detention
Current restrictions: detention center
Sentence: punishment in the form of imprisonment for a term of 3 years with serving a sentence in a correctional colony of strict regime, with restriction of liberty for a term of 1 year
Currently held in: Penal Colony No. 1 in Kostroma Region
Address for correspondence: Terebilov Dmitriy Sergeyevich, born 1980, IK No. 1 in Kostroma region, ul. Shcherbiny Petra, 21, g. Kostroma, Russia, 156029

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Note: discussing topics related to criminal prosecution is not allowed in letters; languages other than Russian will not pass.


In the summer of 2018, Dmitriy Terebilov became another victim of criminal prosecution. Despite the fact that thanks to the Bible he got out of prison early, left his old way of life and became a Christian, he was again thrown behind bars — now because of his faith.

Dmitriy was born in 1980 in Kostroma. The only child in the family, he lost his mother early. As a child, Dmitriy was fond of freestyle wrestling and boxing, spent a lot of time on the street with friends. Later, he acquired several specialties: he learned to be a locksmith, cook, sewing master. For some time Dmitriy made his living by sewing clothes, then he worked as a janitor.

Dmitriy had a difficult period in his life — he had several criminal convictions. While behind bars, he decided to read the Bible for the first time. Dmitriy was surprised to discover that this book was different from his ideas about it. He decided to immediately apply what he learned. The positive changes in the prisoner impressed the administration of the correctional institution so much that they petitioned for his early release.

Dmitriy recalls: “Once the Bible changed my life: from an unnecessary criminal, I became a God-fearing person and a useful member of society. I will not be able to remain silent about this, I cannot but thank Jehovah God for such changes, the real meaning of life and hope for the future."

In 2015, Dmitriy married Irina, who shares his views on life. The spouses try to do everything together, they like to go hiking, ride bicycles. Irina likes to embroider.

Dmitriy's criminal prosecution brought anxiety to the daily life of the family and affected Irina's health. Dmitriy's father does not share his son's convictions, but was outraged by the sentence passed on him.

Case History

In Kostroma, the Investigative Committee opened a second criminal case under an extremist article against Dmitriy Terebilov, who is already serving a sentence in a penal colony for believing in Jehovah God. The reason was the fact that the believer answered questions from a cellmate who pretended to be interested in the Bible. He was charged under the article on the involving other persons in the activities of a banned organization. In January 2024, the case went to court.